πŸ“š node [[graph|graph]]
Welcome! Nobody has contributed anything to 'graph|graph' yet. You can:
  • Write something in the document below!
    • There is at least one public document in every node in the Agora. Whatever you write in it will be integrated and made available for the next visitor to read and edit.
  • Write to the Agora from social media.
    • If you follow Agora bot on a supported platform and include the wikilink [[graph|graph]] in a post, the Agora will link it here and optionally integrate your writing.
  • Sign up as a full Agora user.
    • As a full user you will be able to contribute your personal notes and resources directly to this knowledge commons. Some setup required :)
β₯… related node [[distributed knowledge graph]]
β₯… related node [[graph]]
β₯… related node [[2007 07 19 europe photobloggers looking for photography related sponsors]]
β₯… related node [[2007 10 15 more digital ethnography information r evolution video]]
β₯… related node [[2008 04 06 social graph applications why not for every community website]]
β₯… related node [[obsidian graph 2020 10 01]]
β₯… related node [[photography]]
β₯… related node [[agora graph]]
β₯… related node [[agora graphs]]
β₯… related node [[beyond knowledge graphs]]
β₯… related node [[bibliographical]]
β₯… related node [[decentralized discourse graph]]
β₯… related node [[directed acyclic graph]]
β₯… related node [[distributed public knowledge graph]]
β₯… related node [[foam graph]]
β₯… related node [[force directed graphs]]
β₯… related node [[force graph]]
β₯… related node [[geograph]]
β₯… related node [[giant global graph]]
β₯… related node [[graphql]]
β₯… related node [[graphs]]
β₯… related node [[hypergraph categories]]
β₯… related node [[hypergraph]]
β₯… related node [[hypergraphs]]
β₯… related node [[interactive philosophers graph]]
β₯… related node [[knowledge graphs and indylab]]
β₯… related node [[knowledge graphs]]
β₯… related node [[namedgraph]]
β₯… related node [[open graph protocol]]
β₯… related node [[open graph]]
β₯… related node [[personal knowledge graph]]
β₯… related node [[personal knowledge graphs]]
β₯… related node [[rdf grapher]]
β₯… related node [[social distributed knowledge graph]]
β₯… related node [[social knowledge graph]]
β₯… related node [[social knowledge graphs discussion]]
β₯… related node [[social knowledge graphs]]
β₯… related node [[the agora as a social knowledge graph]]
β₯… related node [[the agora is a social knowledge graph]]
β₯… related node [[unigraph]]
β₯… related node [[united federation of discourse graphs]]
β₯… related node [[what is a distributed knowledge graph]]
β₯… related node [[wikigraph]]
β₯… related node [[2019 02 18 cat gif steganography]]
β₯… related node [[graph visualization]]
β₯… related node [[all advice is autobiographical]]
β₯… related node [[graphs 1st cohort]]
β₯… related node [[graphviz]]
β₯… related node [[learning graphviz]]
β₯… related node [[test graph]]
β₯… related node [[demographic_parity]]
β₯… related node [[graph_execution]]
β₯… related node [[node_(tensorflow_graph)]]
β₯… related node [[introduction the graphic novel a special type of comics]]
β₯… related node [[the graphic novel an introduction]]
β₯… related node [[austrian repair bonus voucher scheme in national geographic kids]]
β₯… related node [[cartographist]]
β₯… related node [[digital psychogeography]]
β₯… related node [[graphic novel]]
β₯… related node [[local graph view]]
β₯… related node [[knowledge graph]]
β₯… related node [[notes on psychogeography a way to delve into the soul of a city]]
β₯… related node [[orthographic media]]
β₯… related node [[problem with org roams file level graphing]]
β₯… related node [[psychogeography]]
β₯… related node [[topic clustering in org roam graphs]]
β₯… related node [[wiki graphs]]
β₯… related node [[agora interlay graph]]
β₯… related node [[universal topography]]
β₯… related node [[contribution graph]]
β₯… node [[graph]] pulled by Agora

The default [[Digital Garden Jekyll Template]] has a "notes graph" embedded on every page.

Since I'm doing things a little differently, and also including my [[Archive]], I had to modify the [[Backlinks]] plugin bidirectional_links_generator.rb to include posts as well.

It throws an error on generation now:

warning: regular expression has redundant nested repeat operator '*'

And while Jekyll is in watch mode, it keeps editing the notes_graph.json file continuously.



Go back to the [[AI Glossary]]


In TensorFlow, a computation specification. Nodes in the graph represent operations. Edges are directed and represent passing the result of an operation (a Tensor) as an operand to another operation. Use TensorBoard to visualize a graph.

new project I'm working on inspired by [[anagora]]

renders md to web

[] backlinks [] actions

β₯… node [[graph-visualization]] pulled by Agora

Graph Visualization

Foam comes with a graph visualization of your notes. To see the graph execute the Foam: Show Graph command.

Graph Navigation

With the graph you can:

  • highlight a node by hovering on it, to quickly see how it's connected to the rest of your notes
  • select one or more (by keeping shift pressed while selecting) nodes by clicking on them, to better understand the structure of your notes
  • navigate to a note by clicking on it while pressing ctrl or cmd
  • automatically center the graph on the currently edited note, to immediately see its connections

Custom Graph Styles

By default the Foam graph will use the VsCode theme, but it's possible to customize it with the foam.graph.style setting.

A sample configuration object is provided below, you can provide as many or as little configuration as you wish:

"foam.graph.style": {
    "background": "#202020",
    "fontSize": 12,
    "highlightedForeground": "#f9c74f",
    "node": {
        "note": "#277da1",
        "placeholder": "#545454",
        "feature": "green",
  • note defines the color for regular nodes
  • placeholder defines the color for links that don't match any existing note. This is a [[placeholder]] because no file with such name exists (see [[wiki-links]] for more info).
  • feature shows an example of how you can use note types to customize the graph. It defines the color for the notes of type feature
    • see [[note-properties]] for details
    • you can have as many types as you want
β₯… node [[graph_execution]] pulled by Agora

graph execution

Go back to the [[AI Glossary]]


A TensorFlow programming environment in which the program first constructs a graph and then executes all or part of that graph. Graph execution is the default execution mode in TensorFlow 1.x.

Contrast with eager execution.

β₯… node [[graphic-novel]] pulled by Agora

graphic novel

I used to read comics (mostly 2000AD I think) when I was a kid. My brother was into them.

But I never got in to graphic novels back then. I spent more time with prose for whatever reason.

But I am really enjoying graphic novels now. The visual aspect, the thought around framing and visual language.

I would like to enhance my visual thinking and this feels like a pretty decent way of doing it…

β₯… node [[graphql]] pulled by Agora


β₯… node [[graphs]] pulled by Agora
β₯… node [[graphs-1st-cohort]] pulled by Agora

Helping Others

Power relationships

Street Art

Here are some examples of models developed by the 1st cohort of the OCHS Bridge program (14-17 June 2021).





Animal Testing

β₯… node [[graphviz]] pulled by Agora

Place the cursor inside "graph" to get some refactoring options

graph {

# To refactor nodes, place the cursor left to a node name
a -- b
a -- c;
a -- d;

# Hover over color names to get a color picker
b -- b [color=blue]
b -- d [color="#ff0000"];

# Get completion when assigning a shape or color
b [shape=box, color=yellow];

a; # You can remove optional ; by placing the cursor left to a semicolon


πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context